High cover of rock crystal trophy, Saracchi, workshop, Milan, 1575-1580. Rock crystal, gold, enamel, garnets. H 48.1 cm, Dm lid 13.3 cm, 12.6 cm diam foot. V 217. Green Vault © Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden 2013
Large quartz crystals were found in the central ranges of the Alps, were as rare and coveted as the magnificent decorative vessels that have been honed in the late Renaissance from this hard and brittle quartz. Especially the Milanese workshops and Miseroni Saracchi and Annibale Fontana created such exquisite works, for the acquisition of the princely buyers and collectors had to raise significant funds.The tall, decorated with shells ceremonial vessel was already in the inventory of the electoral treasury of 1586/87 in Dresden. The design of the upper zone vessel reminiscent of grotesque compositions by Étienne Delaune from around 1570th Ocean waves adorn the floor area in which cavort fantastic miracle beings. Sea scenes of this type were popular in the Milanese workshops and Saracchi Miseroni and were outstandingly suitable for decoration water bright rock crystal vessels.