Bowl with loquat and floral designs, Ming dynasty, early 1400s, Yongle period, porcelain with underglaze blue, 4 x 8 1/4 (diam.) in. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lilly. 60.107. Indianapolis Museum of Art© 2014 IMA
Bowl with lotus and floral designs, Ming dynasty, early 1400s, Yongle period, porcelain with underglaze blue, 3 1/8 x 6 3/4 (diam.) in.Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lilly. 60.101. Indianapolis Museum of Art © 2014 IMA
Bowl with stylized lotus and floral designs, Ming dynasty, early 1400s, Yongle period, porcelain with underglaze blue, 3 1/8 x 6 3/4 (diam.) in.. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lilly. 60.102. Indianapolis Museum of Art © 2014 IMA