Cornelis Jansz de Heem (1631 Leiden - 1695 Antwerp), Still life with fruit, oysters and a roman goblet. Oil on canvas. Relined. 78 x 65.5 cm. Photo Hampel
Lot 188. Estimate: € 40000-60000
According to the previous owner the authenticity of the painting was confirmed by Fred Meijer.
The son of Jan Davidsz. de Heem - a key figure of 17th century Flemish still life painitng - Cornelis de Heem trained with his father and was a brilliant and worthy artistic successor. Cornelis largely adopted his father’s repertoire and creative logic and in his best works he is definitely his father’s equal in both technique and use of colour. Dr Fred G. Meijer ranks the offered painting as a work by Cornelis de Heem created in the artist’s heyday around 1670, just after leaving his father’s workshop and settling in Utrecht. The still lifes by Cornelis de Heem held at the Gemäldegalerie in Dresden, the Kunsthalle in Hamburg and the Musée Royaux des Beaux Arts in Brussels all show striking similarities with the present work.
Literature: Exhibition catalogue Naples, Museo Duca di Martina, L. Ambrosio (ed.),Un museo... tutto da bere. Arte e vino, 21 December 2011 - 15 April 2012, Naples, 2011, p. 104, no. 9.
Hampel. 7 avril 2016