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Unique coin expected to fetch up to $593,000 at Dix Noonan Webb auction in London



Roman Imperial Coinage, Augustus (27 BC-AD 14), Aureus, uncertain mint, c. 27-18 BC. Photo Dix Noonan Webb

LONDON.- A unique version of a rare gold coin minted during the reign of Augustus Caesar, the first and greatest of Rome’s emperors, is expected to sell for £300,000 to £350,000 ($508,000 to $593,000) at the auction of Ancient and World Coins to be held by Dix Noonan Webb, the international coins and medals specialists, in London on 22 September 2014. 

The gold aureus, which was struck c27-18BC, depicts the new portrait of Augustus transformed into an ageless Apollo-like classical beauty on one side and an image of a heifer based on a long-lost masterpiece by a Greek sculptor on its reverse. The coin is a piece of numismatic genius celebrating the power of the man who founded the Roman Empire and laid the foundations of a regime that lasted for centuries. 

Only 22 examples of the heifer-reverse aureus minted during the reign of Augustus are known to have survived of which 15 are in museums, leaving just seven potentially available to buyers. They are sub-divided into five types which vary according to whether Augustus is depicted with a bare head or a laureate head and which way the emperor and the heifer are facing. The aureus to be auctioned at Dix Noonan Webb is the unique Type 2 coin with the laureate head of Augustus facing right and the heifer looking to the left. Its condition is described as “extremely fine with lustre”. 

This is a truly extraordinary coin,” says Christopher Webb, head of the coins department at Dix Noonan Webb. “Not only is it a unique type of an already very rare coin but its condition after more than 2,000 years is extremely fine and visually it is a beautiful work of art. It also represents an epic period when Augustus built an empire that changed the course of human history.” 

The exact date of the coin and where it was minted remain unknown and the subject of much scholarly debate but it is believed to have been struck c27-18BC. In 27BC Octavian, as he was then called, the great nephew of Julius Caesar, founded the Principate, the first phase of the Roman Empire. He took the name of Augustus, meaning ‘stately’ or ‘dignified’ and began to stamp his authority on Rome and its territories. 

The heifer-reverse aureus to be auctioned at Dix Noonan Webb perfectly represents this key milestone in Roman and world history. The depiction of Augustus is quite unlike the severe portraits found in late republican Rome and transforms the young Octavian into a figure of calm, remote dignity and power. It is of the same style as the celebrated statue of Augustus which is now in the Vatican and is arguably the best portrait to be found on any Roman coin. The reverse recalls the occasion in 28BC when he dedicated the temple of Apollo on the Palatine which had as its centrepiece an altar with four statues of heifers by the great sculptor Myron of Eleutherae. This is in every sense Augustus’s coin. 

The rest is history. Augustus dramatically enlarged the Roman Empire and secured its safety with a buffer region of client states beyond its borders, initiating an era of relative peace known as the Pax Romana . He reformed the taxation system, developed a network of roads, established a standing army and transformed Rome with impressive new buildings. Although his latter years were clouded by economic problems, a military defeat in Germany and the deaths of two of his grandsons, he left a solid imperial legacy. He died during August, the month named after him, 14AD and was succeeded by his stepson Tiberius. 


Roman Imperial Coinage, Augustus (27 BC-AD 14), Aureus, uncertain mint, c. 27-18 BC. Photo Dix Noonan Webb

Découverte d’une occupation néandertalienne en bord de Saône



© Henri Granjean - Collectif item / Inrap

PARIS - Une équipe d’archéologues de l’Inrap fouille, sur prescription de l’État (Drac Rhône-Alpes), un site du Paléolithique moyen à Quincieux, à l’occasion des travaux de l’A466. Après avis de la commission interrégionale de la recherche archéologique, et dans le cadre d’une procédure de « découverte exceptionnelle », le préfet a prolongé la durée d’intervention de cette fouille d’un hectare. 

Une séquence stratigraphique exceptionnelle

Ce site préhistorique est implanté sur une butte lœssique dominant l’ancien lit de la Saône. Unique en Rhône-Alpes, cette séquence sédimentaire qui associe des dépôts d’origines fluviatile et éolienne, renseigne sur l’évolution de la Saône durant le Pléistocène supérieur (128 000-11 000 ans). Initialement haute de 8 m, elle est constituée d’une succession de paléosols et de lœss : le plus ancien, épais de plus de 2 m, est daté entre 55 000 et 35 000 ans, c’est-à-dire durant la fin du Paléolithique moyen. La fouille révèle une faune riche répartie sur trois niveaux et associée à des silex taillés abandonnés par les Néandertaliens.

Une faune de climat froid

L’ensemble des espèces animales découvertes caractérise un climat froid et un environnement steppique. Plusieurs centaines de restes osseux appartiennent majoritairement à de grands herbivores : mammouth, rhinocéros laineux, cheval, bison et renne. Les carnivores, moins nombreux, sont représentés par un crâne d’ours des cavernes et quelques ossements de loup. Ces ossements sont souvent isolés, plus rarement en connexions anatomiques. La plupart des accumulations résultent de l’action de l’homme : les animaux présents ont été chassés et/ou charognés par les Néandertaliens qui ont exploité ces carcasses, certains os présentant des traces de fractures d’origine humaine. Parallèlement, les archéologues constatent un déficit d’os longs, ce qui tend à montrer que les parties riches en viande ont été emportées, probablement sur un site d’habitat. 

Un témoignage des activités de subsistance de l’Homme de Néandertal

Le site de Quincieux offre donc l’occasion d’étudier les comportements de subsistance de l’Homme de Néandertal hors de son habitat ou de ses haltes de chasse, habituellement fouillés par les archéologues. L’industrie lithique est peu abondante et se compose de quelques nucléus ainsi que d’éclats de silex et de calcaire dur. Ici, les Néandertaliens n’ont eu besoin que de quelques éclats pour découper des quartiers de viande. Les études paléontologiques et archéozoologiques à venir seront capitales pour préciser la nature exacte du site et les activités qui s’y sont déroulées. 


© Henri Granjean - Collectif item / Inrap

PARIS.- A team of Inrap archaeologists is excavating, under curation by the State (Drac Rhône-Alpes), a Middle Paleolithic site in Quincieux in conjunction with work on the A466. Following the decision by the Interregional Committee on Archaeological Research and in the framework of a procedure for "exceptional discoveries”, the prefect has extended the duration of this excavation of one hectare. 

An exceptional stratigraphic sequence

This prehistoric site is located on a loess butte overlooking the ancient bed of the Saône River. Unique in the Rhône-Alpes, its sedimentary sequence associating fluvial and eolian deposits provides information on the evolution of the Saône during the Upper Pleistocene (128 000-11 000 BP). Initially 8 m high, it is composed of a succession of paleosols and loess: the earliest one, more than 2 m thick, is dated to between 55,000 and 35,000 years ago, and thus to the end of the Middle Paleolithic. The excavation has yielded a rich faunal assemblage distributed throughout three levels and associated with flaked flint objects discarded by Neandertals. 

A cold climate fauna

All of the animal species discovered are associated with a cold climate and steppe environment. The several hundreds of bone remains belong mostly to large herbivores: mammoth, wooly rhinoceros, horse, bison and reindeer. The less numerous carnivores are represented by a cave bear skull and a few wolf bones. These bones are often isolated, and less often in anatomical connection. Most of the accumulations resulted from human actions: the animals present were hunted and/or scavenged by Neandertals that used the carcasses, with some bones displaying the marks of human induced fractures. At the same time, the archaeologists have observed a lack of long bones, indicating that the meat rich parts were exported, probably to a habitat site. 

Evidence of Neandertal subsistance activities

The site of Quincieux thus provides an opportunity to study the subsistence behaviors of Neandertals away from the habitat sites or hunting camps that archaeologists usually excavate. The lithic industry is poor and is composed of a few cores and flakes in flint and hard limestone. Future paleontological and zooarchaeological studies will provide essential information on the exact nature of the site and the activities carried out there.

An Art Deco natural pearl and diamond bar brooch.



An Art Deco natural pearl and diamond bar brooch. Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2013

The two drop-shaped natural pearls, measuring approximately 10.8-21.6 x 15.8 and 10.1-12.3 x 15.4 mm, linked by a single- and circular-cut diamond bar with baguette-cut diamond line detail, mounted in platinum, 1930s, 6.0 cm. Estimate CHF28,000 - CHF48,000 ($30,476 - $52,245). Price Realized CHF35,000 ($38,108)

Accompanied by report no. 69327 dated 6 August 2013 from the SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute stating that the pearls are natural saltwater pearls

Christie's. MAGNIFICENT JEWELS, 12 November 2013, Geneva

An Art Deco conch pearl, natural pearl and diamond brooch-pendant, by Bulgari



An Art Deco conch pearl, natural pearl and diamond brooch-pendant, by Bulgari. Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2012

he diamond-set scalopped lozenge-shaped openwork panel with baguette-cut diamond detail at the cardinal points and centering upon a conch pearl, measuring approximately 10.8-12.1 x 14.3 mm, flanked by diamond collets and button-shaped natural pearls, weighing approximately 13.53 and 12.66 grains, 1930s, 7.3 cm. Signed Bulgari. Estimate CHF30,000 - CHF40,000 ($32,180 - $42,907). Price Realized CHF105,000 ($111,279)

Accompanied by report no.62374 dated 28 February 2012 from the SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute stating that the pearls are 1 natural conch pearl and 2 natural saltwater pearls

Christie's. MAGNIFICENT JEWELS, 16 May 2012, Geneva

A well-carved greenish-white and pale brown jade rhyton, Song-Ming dynasty, 12th-16th century



A well-carved greenish-white and pale brown jade rhyton, Song-Ming dynasty, 12th-16th centuryPhoto Christie's Image Ltd 2008

The well-hollowed vessel finely carved around the exterior with bands of archaistic designs, the handle carved in relief as a sinuous chilong with long curling tail, the base inscribed with a four-character seal reading Yong chang er lu(Eternal prosperity and emolument); 4 7/8 in. (12.3 cm.) high. Estimate $10,000 - $15,000Price Realized $12,500 

Property from a Private American Collection

ExhibitedVirginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, 1977-1987.

Christie's. FINE CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. 17 September 2008, New York, Rockefeller Plaza.

A large Longquan celadon carved dish, Ming dynasty, 15th century



A large Longquan celadon carved dish, Ming dynasty, 15th centuryPhoto Christie's Image Ltd 2008

Heavily potted with shallow rounded sides, the center carved with a central peony spray below two lotus sprays and two peony sprays in the well, covered overall with a glaze of olive-green tone except for an unglazed ring on the base burnt orange in the firing; 18 7/8 in. (47.9 cm.) diam., box, wood stand. Estimate $7,000 - $9,000Price Realized $10,000

Notes: Several examples of this type are known, including two illustrated by J. Harrison-Hall in Ming Ceramics in the British Museum, London, 2001, no. 16:74, one larger dish carved on the interior with an elaborate leafy peony scroll, and no. 16:73, another of slightly smaller size, also carved in similar fashion with a floral scroll in the well. 

Christie's. FINE CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. 17 September 2008, New York, Rockefeller Plaza.

A black and pale greyish-green jade figure of a turtle, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)



A black and pale greyish-green jade figure of a turtle, Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2008 

Cleverly carved utilizing the black markings as the carapace and head, the bent legs and abdomen on the underside carved from the pale greyish-green stone; together with; a black-streaked russet and black jade archaistic sword pommel, with slightly domed central area carved with three comma-shaped spirals accented by feathery markings;2½ in. (6.3 cm.) long; 1 15/16 in. (4.9 cm.) diam., two boxes (2). Estimate $4,000 - $6,000Price Realized $7,500

ProvenanceBoth acquired in Hong Kong in the 1950s.

Christie's. FINE CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. 17 September 2008, New York, Rockefeller Plaza.

A Longquan celadon bronze-form tripod censer, Yuan-Early Ming dynasty, 14th-15th century



A Longquan celadon bronze-form tripod censer, Yuan-Early Ming dynasty, 14th-15th centuryPhoto Christie's Image Ltd 2008

The compressed globular body raised on four cabriole legs, with a pair of applied D-shaped handles flanking the short neck and joining the shoulder to the edge of the everted rim, covered overall with a glaze of sea-green color, a central aperture in the base surrounded by the remains of a kiln support on the interior and the surrounding unglazed ring on the base burnt orange in the firing; with a Meiji period parcel-gilt pierced cover finely cast and chased with numerous insects amidst flowers and foliage; 6 in. (15.2 cm.) across handles, box. Estimate $6,000 - $8,000Price Realized $7,500

Christie's. FINE CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. 17 September 2008, New York, Rockefeller Plaza.

A carved pale green jade peach-form libation cup, Ming dynasty, 17th century



A carved pale green jade peach-form libation cup, Ming dynasty, 17th centuryPhoto Christie's Image Ltd 2008

Borne on a small curled leafy branch extending around the sides of the cup bearing a peach and floral spray and continuing to the rim where a horned dragon has curled itself around the branch and clings to the rim between two further blossoms; 4½ in. (11.4 cm.) long, metal spoon, Japanese wood box. Estimate $5,000 - $7,000Price Realized $5,625

Christie's. FINE CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. 17 September 2008, New York, Rockefeller Plaza.

A greyish-white and black jade carving of a cat, Ming dynasty, 17th century



A greyish-white and black jade carving of a cat, Ming dynasty, 17th centuryPhoto Christie's Image Ltd 2008

Carved from the natural pebble form as a recumbent cat wrapped in a long cloth tied in a bow at its back, its eyes wide open in an intent gaze above its long whiskers, with its head resting on its front paws and its long tail flicked up onto its back, the stone of a mottled greyish-white color with some black inclusions; together with a small agate carving, 18th/19th century, in the form of a conch shell on a lotus leaf carved from the translucent mottled green portion of the stone, the reverse with a small bird grasping a leafy sprig in its mouth; 2 3/8 and 1 7/8 in. (6 and 4.8 cm.) long (2). Estimate $4,000 - $6,000Price Realized $5,000

Provenance: The cat: Robert Hall, London, 5 April 1979.
The agate shell: Hugh M. Moss, Ltd., London. 

Christie's. FINE CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. 17 September 2008, New York, Rockefeller Plaza.

Tanzanite jewellery



Tiffany Peacock pendant featuring diamonds, aquamarines and a central tanzanite.


Tiffany Anniversary platinum necklace, set with over 175ct of tanzanites, complemented by a cascade of round brilliant diamonds.


Tiffany Anniversary platinum ring with a 9.99ct tanzanite and diamonds.


Arunashi handmade reverse tanzanite ring with diamonds. Available at Ylang23.com.


Available at Ylang23.com, Arunashi's white gold ring features a total of 29ct of inverted tanzanite stones scattered amongst 4.36ct of diamonds.


Chopard high jewellery earrings featuring pear shaped tanzanites surrounded by white gold set with diamonds.


Chopard Temptations necklace featuring tanzanite beads, diamonds, sapphires and amethysts all set in white gold.


Tanzanite. One African Night ring with a violet-toned tanzanite surrounded by a pavé of diamonds.


Tanzanite. One Empress earrings showcasing over 50 blue-violet tanzanite stones.


Pomellato Pom Pom rose gold and tanzanite bracelet.


Theo Fennel Tanzanite Heart necklace featuring a rare 12.74ct 'Meru' blue tanzanite, spinels, diamonds and a freshwater pearl.


This Theo Fennell ring is skilfully carved from the tusks of a long-extinct Mammoth. The 6.52ct tanzanite, set in white gold, is framed by 0.22ct of diamonds.


Chaumet Lumieres d’Eau high jewellery necklace in white gold with a 45.64ct troidia-cut tanzanite, three cushion-cut sapphires, sapphires, sapphire beads, lapis lazuli beads and black spinel beads.


Chaumet Lumieres d’Eau high jewellery ring in white gold, set with a 16.50ct troidia-cut tanzanite, round sapphires, lapis lazuli and brilliant-cut diamonds.


Wallace Chan's Whimsical Blue brooch, from the Fluttery series, features three tanzanites set with diamonds, carved icy jadeite, lapis lazuli and sapphires.


Irene Neuwirth cabochon tanzanite bracelet in rose gold, available at Ylang23.com.

Ye Hongxing's works at ART LEXÏNG



Ye Hongxing, Misty No.3, 2010. Oil on canvas, 59 1/10 × 59 1/10 in, 150 × 150 cm. Price: $10,000 - 15,000.


Ye Hongxing, Misty No.5, 2010. Oil on canvas, 59 1/10 × 59 1/10 in, 150 × 150 cm. Price: $10,000 - 15,000.


Ye Hongxing, Misty No.21, 2011. Oil on canvas, 47 1/5 × 47 1/5 in, 120 × 120 cm. Price: $10,000 - 15,000. 


Ye Hongxing, Misty No.29, 2011. Oil on canvas, 59 1/10 × 59 1/10 in, 150 × 150 cm. Price: $10,000 - 15,000.


Ye Hongxing, Brilliant Color Love Infactuation, 2009. Oil on canvas, 59 1/10 × 59 1/10 in, 150 × 150 cm. Price: $10,000 - 15,000.


Ye Hongxing, Osmosis No.1, 2009. Oil on canvas, 59 1/10 × 59 1/10 in, 150 × 150 cm. Price: $10,000 - 15,000.


Ye HongxingIllusion No.4, 2010. Oil on canvas, 59 1/10 × 59 1/10 in, 150 × 150 cm. Price: $10,000 - 15,000.


Ye Hongxing, Illusion No.2, 2012. Oil on canvas, 59 1/10 × 59 1/10 in, 150 × 150 cm. Price: $10,000 - 15,000.

CONTACT GALLERYART LEXÏNG. Miami : +1 305 299 9732

Photos courtesy Ye Hongxing and ART LEXÏNG

Ye HongxingBorn in 1972, Ye Hongxing has become one of the most exciting rising stars of the Chinese contemporary art scene.


Ye Hongxing obtained her Master’s Degree from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing (arguably China’s top art academy) in 1998.


Between 2003 and 2005, Ye’s work was exhibited at a few galleries throughout China, as well as the Chongqing Art Museum and the Nanjing Museum of Contemporary Art. In 2004, Ye Hongxing participated in her first international art exhibition at the 7th Annual Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations in Venice, Italy. The next year, Ye Hongxing’s work was exhibited in Taiwan at Art Taipei 2005.


In 2006, Ye Hongxing was selected as one of China’s top 20 emerging painters at the Dragonair Emerging Chinese Artist Awards. The selection committee included the Director of Art Cologne, the Curator of the San Francisco Asian Art Museum, the Director of the Stuttgart Museum of Art in Germany, the Co-Founder and Co-Editor in Chief of Beaux-Arts Magazine (France’s top art magazine) and the Executive Director of the Shanghai Art Museum, amoung others.


In 2007 and 2008, Ye Hongxing’s works were exhibited in Europe for the first time at the Art Cologne, the earliest established and still one of the most important art expositions in the world. Ye’s work was also shown for the first time in the USA in Miami at Reed Savage Gallery in 2007 and in New York at “Chinese Contemporary Art Comes to New York” at Art Scene New York.

The Yongle Emperor of China died on this day in 1424.



This red lacquer dish made during his reign will feature in Ming 50 Years at British Museum

Porcelain Charger with Underglaze Copper-Red-Painted Peony Design, Ming Dynasty, Hongwu Period





Porcelain Charger with Underglaze Copper-Red-Painted Peony Design, Ming Dynasty, Hongwu Period, 1368-1398, d.45.5cm. Acc. No. 10482. Gift of SUMITOMO Group, the ATAKA Collection. The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka. © 2009 The Museum of Oriental Ceramics,Osaka

Chenghua Mark and Period Blue-and-White at the Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka






Blue-and-White Bowl with Melon Design, Ming Dynasty, Chenghua Mark and Period, (1465-1487), d.15.5cm. Acc. No. 10682. Gift of SUMITOMO Group, the ATAKA Collection. The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka. © 2009 The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka.

There are few large blue-and-white wares from the Chenghua period, and vessels such as jars are also rare. The best known vessel type from this period is a bowl like this piece, known as the "palace bowl" in the West for its lovely form. Some bowls are decorated on the inside and outside, and others only on the outside. This bowl is unpainted on the inside and decorated on the outside with a oriental melon design. The brushwork is soft and delicate, and demonstrates the refinement of imperial Chenghua ware.





Blue-and-White Bowl with Hollyhock Design, Ming Dynasty, Chenghua Mark and Period, (1465-1487), d.14.6cm. Gift of SUMITOMO Group, the ATAKA Collection. Acc. No. 10786. The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka. © 2009 The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka.

The blue-and-white ware that developed in the Yuan dynasty reached its peak in the early Ming Yongle and Xuande periods. In contrast to the rhythmic and dynamic expression of blue-and-white ware in its golden age, Chenghua pieces show a softer, delicate feel. The clay is more refined, and the slightly cream-colored tone softens the white porcelain skin. The drawing lines of design are graceful, and the blue color is lighter. This kind of blue-and-white ware with refined grace is not known to have existed before the Chenghua period, and this bowl is one of the best examples to represent this era.





Blue-and-White Dish with Paired Phoenixes Design, Ming Dynasty, Chenghua Mark and Period, (1465-1487), d.18.6cm. Gift of SUMITOMO Group, the ATAKA Collection. Acc. No. 10856. The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka. © 2009 The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka.

This dish features two pairs of phoenixes, on the inside in the center and on the outside. The surrounding white area is filled in with a baox-iang-hua floral pattern. The clay is fine, the glaze has melted smoothly, the decoration is delicate, and the cobalt is light and refined, with no irregularities or blurring. There are few extant examples of porcelain from the Chenghua official kilns; only about 150 pieces exist in the world, including both blue-and-white and overglaze enamel decorated ware. In 1987, in the Jingdezhen remains of the warehouse for imperial ware, a layer from the Chenghua period was discovered, and a large number of porcelain shards was unearthed. Investigation of these shards revealed that they were broken after firing, indicating that they were discarded after failing to pass the inspection for quality. Counting only the foot rims unearthed, there were over 10,000 pieces, giving us an idea of the strict quality control practiced at official kilns. This dish, therefore, in one of the high quality piecer which passed a rigorous selection process.

Blue-and-White Bowl with Dragon and Scrolls Design, Ming Dynasty, Hongzhi Mark and Period (1488-1505)





Blue-and-White Bowl with Dragon and Scrolls Design, Ming Dynasty, Hongzhi Mark and Period (1488-1505), d.15.0cm. Gift of SUMITOMO Group, the ATAKA Collection. Acc. No. 10691. The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka. © 2009 The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka.

The style of this piece is a continuation of the thin, small bowls which appeared in the Chenghua reign, but the pattern has increased in complexity. The exterior of the bowl is decorated with a pair of dragons and baoxiang-hua floral scrolls, the interior is decorated with vine scrolls on the walls and a lotus pond design in the center. The patterns are drawn with fine lines, leaving little white space. The dragons' bodies, vine scrolls, and leaves and flower petals show indications of becoming formalized. In the intricate patterns around the rim and the interior center, we can see connections with the decorative motifs of the next era, the Jiajing and Wanli reigns.

Doyle New York to auction important jewelry on october 21, 2014



Photo courtesy Doyle New York

NEW YORK - On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 10am, Doyle New York will hold an auction of Important Jewelry from a variety of prominent estates and collections. The sale will offer dazzling jewelry spanning the Antique, Victorian, Edwardian, Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Modern eras by some of the world’s most prestigious makers, including Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, David Webb and Tiffany & Co. Certain to attract attention is a group of high-carat-weight diamond jewelry. Also featured will be fine watches and objets de vertu, including elegant compacts, cigarette cases and cufflinks.

Important bracelets-necklace combination by René Lalique.

Highlighting the sale is a rare and important Art Nouveau gold, carved glass, enamel, diamond and natural pearl 'Chrysanthemum' pair of bracelets/necklace combination by Rene Lalique (est. $500,000-700,000). French jeweler Rene Lalique (1860-1945) studied botany and art, and later jewelry design in London and Paris, before opening his own jewelry studio in Paris in 1895. His innovative Art Nouveau jewelry designs garnered international acclaim at the Exposition Universelle of 1900. Following his stunning success at the Exposition Universelle, his studio was flooded with commissions. Dating to this era, circa 1901-1903, the bracelets/necklace combination has descended through several generations of the same family. The ingenious design allows it to be worn as a pair of bracelets or combined to create a necklace. 


Pair of Art Nouveau Gold, Carved Glass, Enamel, Diamond and Natural Pearl 'Chrysanthemum' Bracelets-Necklace Combination, Rene Lalique, circa 1901-1903. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

Estimate $500,000  - $700,000.

C Private Collection, New York and Florida. 

Van Cleef & Arpels mystery-set brooch.

From another collection is a Van Cleef & Arpels mystery-set ruby and diamond clip-brooch designed as three overlapping leaves (est. $150,000-250,000). This exquisite circa 1935 brooch is a rare early example of the firm’s mystery-set process, which Van Cleef & Arpels patented in 1933.


Rose Gold, Platinum, Mystery-Set Ruby and Diamond Leaf Clip-Brooch, Van Cleef & Arpels, France. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

18 kt., composed of three overlapping leaves mystery-set with 316 square, rectangular and fancy-shaped rubies approximately 40.00 cts., centering fine ribbon-like veins and topped by two stylized leaves set with 20 tapered baguette and baguette diamonds, signed Van Cleef & Arpels, Brevete, S.G.D.G, no. 43.375, with maker's mark (slightly obscured) and French assay markcirca 1935. Estimate $150,000  - $250,000. 

El Morocco: The John Perona Collection.

Also featured in the auction will be jewelry, clocks and accessories from El Morocco: The John Perona Collection. 


Art Deco Nephrite Jade, Lapis and Sterling Silver Partners Clock, Cartier, France. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

Stem wind and stem set, the nephrite jade clock centering on both sides a rectangular silver-tone dial with black Roman numerals, further centering a rectangular plaque composed of lapis mosaic, framed by sterling silver, topped and edged by sterling silver bands tipped by sugarloaf cabochon nephrite jade, surmounted by a double tiered nephrite jade base, edged and quartered by a sterling silver geometric design, accented by lapis on each side, diameter approximately 3 3/4 x 2 9/16 inches, dial signed Cartier, Made in Francewith French hallmarks. 8 1/4 x 4 1/2 to 7 1/8 x 5 inches. With fitted box, signed Cartier, Paris, London, New York. Estimate $20,000  - $30,000. 

C El Morocco: The John Perona Collection. 


Sterling Silver, Gold and Nephrite Jade Mantel Clock, Cartier, European Watch & Clock Co., Inc., France. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

18 kt., brass, key wind and key set, the sterling silver cabinet centering a square guilloche silver-tone dial with black Roman numerals, with gold and black enamel fleur-de-lys style hands, framed by Greek and scrolled design elements, accented by a sterling silver and gold plaque depicting an equestrian steeple chase scene, the top and base composed of nephrite jade, diameter approximately 3 5/8 inches., dial signed Cartier, movement signed European Watch & Clock Co., Inc., France, no. 798 bis. 10 1/8 x 5 3/4 to 6 11/16 x 5 1/2 inches. Estimate $15,000  - $20,000. 

C El Morocco: The John Perona Collection. 



Two-Color Gold, Platinum, Sapphire and Diamond Box, Cartier, France. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

18 kt., the square-shaped rose gold case decorated with alternating square and rectangular yellow gold panels, the side panels set with 36 square-cut sapphires, spaced by 16 small square and rectangular-cut sapphires, accented by 32 baguette diamonds, the thumbpiece set with one rectangular-cut sapphire, flanked by 2 baguette diamonds, sapphires totaling approximately 36.00 cts., diamonds approximately 4.15 cts., signed Cartier, Made in France, no. 61960, with maker's markcirca 1938, approximately 147.8 dwts. 3 1/8 x 3 5/8 x 5/8 inches. With signed fitted case. Estimate $20,000  - $30,000. 

C El Morocco: The John Perona Collection. 


Tricolor Gold, Sapphire and Diamond Box. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

14 kt., the square-shaped ridged yellow and rose gold box surmounted on the sides by two white gold rectangular panels accented by pairs of 32 rectangular-cut sapphires, spaced by 18 square and rectangular shaped sapphires and 36 baguette diamonds, the thumbpiece centering one square-shaped diamond flanked by 2 rectangular-cut sapphires, the sapphires altogether approximately 20.00 cts., the diamonds totaling approximately 4.75 cts., circa 1940, approximately 187.5 dwts. 2 7/8 x 3 7/16 x 3/4 inches. Estimate $12,000  - $18,000. 

C El Morocco: The John Perona Collection. 


Platinum, White Gold, Diamond and Sapphire Cuff Bangle Bracelet. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

The stylized scrolled panels set with 100 round & old European-cut and 6 single-cut diamonds, flanked by 18 baguette diamonds, tipped by 6 round diamonds, altogether approximately 11.75 cts., embellished by 42 square-cut sapphires approximately 8.50 cts., completed by a polished white gold cuff bangle, circa 1938, approximately 59 dwts. Inner circle 6 3/4 inches. Estimate $10,000  - $15,000. 

C El Morocco: The John Perona Collection. 


Platinum, White Gold, Diamond and Sapphire Double Clip-Brooch. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

The stylized scroll motif set with 108 round, 4 single-cut and 18 baguette diamonds, approximately 10.80 cts., embellished by two pairs of intersecting bands of 20 square-cut sapphires and tipped by pairs of 24 square-cut sapphires, altogether approximately 8.00 cts., circa 1935, approximately 33.4 dwts. Estimate $10,000  - $15,000. 

C El Morocco: The John Perona Collection. 


Gold, Diamond and Sapphire Dress Set, Van Cleef & Arpels. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

The cufflinks composed of pairs of gold balls inset with 26 small single-cut diamonds and 26 small round sapphires, joined by an oval link chain, the three buttons and 2 studs of similar motif, studded with single-cut diamonds, signed V.C.A., no. 12211circa 1940, approximately 14.5 dwts. With signed fitted box. C El Morocco: The John Perona CollectionEstimate $3,000  - $4,000. 

Another highlight jewelry:


Natural Pearl and Diamond Pendant-Earrings. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

Estimate $100,000  - $150,000. 


Platinum, Emerald and Diamond Ring. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

Centering one emerald-cut emerald approximately 13.04 cts., flanked by 2 bullet-shaped diamonds approximately .40 ct. Size 4 1/2?. Estimate $50,000  - $70,000

With AGL report no. CS 31047 stating that the emerald is of Colombian origin, moderate evidence of clarity enhancement present (Oil Type). 


Platinum and Diamond Ring. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

Estimate $50,000  - $70,000


Platinum, Diamond and Emerald Brooch. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

Centering three emerald-cut diamonds approximately 8.00 cts., tipped by 2 cut-cornered emerald-cut emeralds approximately 3.70 cts., approximately 6.8 dwts. Estimate $40,000  - $60,000

With AGL report no. CS 62476 A and B stating that the emeralds are of Colombian origin, with insignificant traditional clarity enhancement.


Gold, Silver and Gray Guilloche Enamel Desk Clock, Fabergé. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

14 kt., the square clock centering a circular white dial with black Arabic numerals, applied with gray guilloche enamel with a sunburst design, edged by a polished and finely engraved frame, signed Faberge, with Russian assay markcirca1910. 2 9/16 x 2 1/2 inches. Estimate $30,000  - $40,000


Pair of Platinum, Chalcedony, Diamond and Natural Pearl Earclips, Suzanne Belperron. Photo courtesy Doyle New York

Estimate $15,000  - $20,000

Friedemann Bühler Wooden Vessels



Friedemann Bühler, Vase shaped vessel, bleached ash, brushed and sandblasted. Photo by Richard Becker. 


Friedemann Bühler, Tall vessel, bleached ash, brushed surface. Photo by Richard Becker


Friedemann Bühler, Tall vase shaped vessel, bleached ash, brushed surface. Photo by Richard Becker.


Friedemann Bühler, Bowl, blackened oak, brushed, sandblasted. Photo by Richard Becker.


Friedemann Bühler, Cut-in bowl, bleached ash, brushed and sandblasted. Photo by Richard Becker.


Friedemann Bühler, Tall jagged edged vessel, blackened oak, brushed, sandblasted. Photo by Richard Becker.


Friedemann Bühler, Open bowl, bleached ash, brushed and sandblasted. Photo by Richard Becker.


Friedemann Bühler, Tall vessel, blackened oak, brushed, sandblasted. Photo by Richard Becker.


Friedemann Bühler, Wide bowl, bleached ash, brushed and sandblasted. Photo by Richard Becker.

Friedemann Bühler © 2014 OEN

Chopard Red Carpet Collection at flagship store on New Bond Street and the brand's boutiques in Selfridges and Harrods.



Chopard Red Carpet Collection earrings featuring pear-shaped rubellites surrounded by diamonds, set in rose gold (£POA).


Chopard Red Carpet Collection necklace with black diamonds, sapphires and spinels set in white gold (£POA).


Chopard Red Carpet Collection earrings with cabochon rubies surrounded by diamonds, set in white gold (£POA).


Chopard Red Carpet Collection diamond earrings in white gold (£POA).


Chopard Red Carpet Collection necklace with pear-shaped rubies forming flowers and diamonds set in white gold (£POA).



Chopard Red Carpet Collection necklace featuring rubellites, rubies and diamonds set in rose gold (£POA).


Chopard Red Carpet Collection ring with a central 11ct oval-shaped ruby set in rose gold and diamonds (£POA).

Back on Song ceramics sold at Christie's, 17 September 2008, New York



A rare Jizhou splashed black-glazed bowl , Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2008

Potted with rounded flaring sides rising from a knife-cut foot ring to a finger-grooved band below the lipped rim, the interior with recessed center boldly decorated with an irregular pattern of swirls of variegated russet and pale milky brown color reserved on the blackish-brown ground, the exterior similarly decorated; 6 5/16 in. (16 cm.) diam., box. Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000. Price Realized: $30,000

Provenance: Acquired in Hong Kong in 1995.

NotesThe dramatic swirling decoration on this bowl was created by applying a slip in sweeping strokes atop the brown glaze on the interior and exterior before firing.
Jizhou bowl of similar shape with similar swirl decoration is illustrated by M. Sullivan, Chinese Ceramics, Bronzes and Jades in the Collection of Sir Alan and Lady Barlow, London, 1963, pl. 123d. See, also, the bowl sold at Sotheby's, New York, 14 November 2001, lot 79. 


A Jianyao'Hare's Fur' tea bowl, Song dynasty, 12th-13th centuryPhoto Christie's Image Ltd 2008

With deep conical sides, the interior and exterior covered in a lustrous black glaze finely streaked with silvery brown 'hare's fur' markings, thinning to dark brown at the rim and pooling in a line above the neatly cut foot to reveal the coarse ware fired to a dark purplish- brown color, with metal-bound rim; 4 7/8 in. (12.5 cm.) diam. Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000. Price Realized: $27,500 

ProvenanceAcquired in Berlin in the 1920s from Ernst Fritsche, a prominent German antique dealer.

NotesR. Mowry in Hare's Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers: Chinese Brown- and Black-glazed Ceramics, 400-1400, Harvard University Art Museums, 1995, describes the creation of the 'hare's fur' markings on the surface of the glaze as particles in the iron-rich slip being pulled downward during firing.
This finely potted bowl is similar to one illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu, vol. 10, Tokyo, 1955, pl. 61; and another included in the exhibition, Song ceramics from the Hans Popper collection, Eskenazi, London, 3 - 26 November 2005, 37. 


A rare lobed Guanyao vase , Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2008

Of Jiaotanxia type, the body of pear shape molded with eight lobes rising from the spreading foot of conforming outline and rising to a flared mouth rim, covered overall with a pale slightly bluish gray-green glaze suffused with golden crackle, the foot rim left unglazed allowing the grey ware to fire to a reddish brown; 6½ in. (16.5 cm.) high, box  Estimate: $8,000 - $10,000Price Realized: $11,875 

ProvenanceNew York private collection since 1991.

NotesA very similar vase from the Jiaotanxia (Suburban Altar) site at Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, and now in the Seattle Art Museum, is illustrated by Trubner et. al., in the catalogue, Asiatic Art in the Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, 1973, p. 167, no. 121. Compare, also, the Jiaotanxia Guanyao vase of this form illustrated by Hasebe in Sekai toji zenshu, vol. 12, Tokyo, 1977, p. 225, fig. 79.



A Dingyao carved petal-lobed dish, Northern Song dynasty, 11th-12th centuryPhoto Christie's Image Ltd 2008

With slightly rounded, widely flared sides applied in slip on the interior with six narrow ribs rising to six corresponding notches in the rim, the center carved with a lotus spray, covered inside and out with a glaze of ivory tone falling in olive-green tears on the exterior and continuing over the foot to cover the base, the rim unglazed; 7¾ in. (19.7 cm.) diam. Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000Price Realized: $10,625 

ProvenanceAcquired prior to 1985. 

Notes: A Ding ware dish of this shape, similarly carved with a lotus sprig in the center and applied with thin ribs of slip, and formerly in the Heeramaneck Collection, is illustrated by J. Wirgin, Sung Ceramic Designs, London, 1979, pl. 58c. This dish, unlike the present example, has a metal-bound rim. 


A Yaozhou celadon foliate bowl, Northern Song dynasty, 11th centuryPhoto Christie's Image Ltd 2008

The deep, flaring sides divided by deep notches and rising towards the everted rim with six out-turned petal lobes, covered overall with a glaze of greyish-olive color; 4¾ in. (12 cm.) diam. Estimate: $6,000 - $8,000Price Realized: $6,875 

Notes: Compare the very similar Yaozhou celadon bowl of this form in The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, illustrated in Masterpieces of Yaozhou Ware, Osaka, 1997, p. 25, no. 26. 

Christie's. FINE CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART, 17 September 2008, New York, Rockefeller Plaza

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