Channel: Alain.R.Truong
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A Chinese 'Cizhou''floral' pillow, Southern Song dynasty (1127–1279)


A Chinese 'Cizhou''floral' pillow, Southern Song dynasty (1127–1279)

Lot 410. A Chinese 'Cizhou''floral' pillow, Southern Song dynasty (1127–1279). Estimate $1,500-2,500Photo Freemans.

of kidney shape, the concave top painted with two flowers. H: 9 3/4 in., 25 cm   

Provenance: Property from the S. Jung collection, Wilmington, Delaware 
Acquired from Dragon House Antiques, San Francisco. 

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

Applicat-Prazan à la Biennale des Antiquaires 2016



Nicolas de Staël (1914 - 1955) - Composition claire. Huile sur toile ; 60 x 92 cm. Signée en bas à gauche ; signée et datée au dos. Provenance : Galerie Jacques Dubourg, Paris - Collection privée© Applicat-Prazan

Biennale des Antiquaires 2016. Applicat-Prazan / STAND D1016 rue de Seine, 75006 PARIS - France. +33 1 43 25 39 24 - www.applicat-prazan.com - galerie@applicat-prazan.com

A large Chinese 'Cizhou' black glazed 'sgraffiato' vase, Xi Xia-Jin dynasty


A large Chinese 'Cizhou' black glazed 'sgraffiato' vase, Xi Xia-Jin dynasty

Lot 413. A large Chinese 'Cizhou' black glazed 'sgraffiato' vase, Xi Xia-Jin dynasty. Estimate $4,000-6,000Photo Freemans.

the gently tapering body with rounded shoulders and a narrow waisted neck, the exterior painted with flowers and leaves on black ground, covered overall with a black glaze. H: 14 1/2 in., 37 cm    

Provenance: Property from the S. Jung collection, Wilmington, Delaware 
Acquired from Dragon House Antiques, San Francisco. 

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

A Chinese 'Cizhou' black glazed 'double xi' pilgrim flask, Xi Xia-Jin dynasty


A Chinese 'Cizhou' black glazed 'double xi' pilgrim flask, Xi Xia-Jin dynasty

Lot 422. A Chinese 'Cizhou' black glazed 'double xi' pilgrim flask, Xi Xia-Jin dynasty. Estimate $2,000-3,000Photo Freemans.

moon shape body with cylinrical neck and belt, Chinese character double xi on a glazed black ground. H: 9 in., 23 cm     

Provenance: Property from the S. Jung collection, Wilmington, Delaware 
Acquired from Dragon House Antiques, San Francisco. 

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

A Chinese 'Cizhou' black glazed 'sgraffiato' meiping, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)


A Chinese 'Cizhou' black glazed 'sgraffiato' meiping, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)

Lot 418. A Chinese 'Cizhou' black glazed 'sgraffiato'meiping,  Jin dynasty (1115–1234). Estimate $4,000-6,000Photo Freemans.

of tall ovoid form with a short narrow neck, the exterior applied with a lustrous black glaze, carved with a scrolling foliage band in the middle and a band of waves in the lower body. H: 13 in., 33 cm 

Provenance: Property from the S. Jung collection, Wilmington, Delaware 
Acquired from Dragon House Antiques, San Francisco

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

A Chinese 'Cizhou' ribbed black glazed pilgrim flask, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)


A Chinese 'Cizhou' ribbed black glazed pilgrim flask, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)

Lot 420. A Chinese 'Cizhou' ribbed black glazed pilgrim flask, Jin dynasty (1115–1234). Estimate $3,000-5,000Photo Freemans.

moon shape body with two handles on the shoulder, covered overall in a black glaze and golden lines emanating from center. H: 9 in., 23 cm

Provenance: Property from the S. Jung collection, Wilmington, Delaware 
Acquired from Dragon House Antiques, San Francisco

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

A small Chinese 'Cizhou' ribbed black glazed ewer, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)


A small Chinese 'cizhou' ribbed black glazed ewer, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)

Lot 423. A small Chinese 'Cizhou' ribbed black glazed ewer, Jin dynasty (1115–1234). Estimate $1,500-2,500Photo Freemans.

with linear incised strap handle and out turned spout, covered in a black glaze with golden lines, foot unglazed. H: 4 1/2 in., 11.5 cm

Provenance: Property from the S. Jung collection, Wilmington, Delaware 
Acquired from Dragon House Antiques, San Francisco

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

A Chinese 'Cizhou' sgraffiato black glazed vase, yuhuchun, Jin-Yuan Dynasty


A Chinese 'Cizhou' sgraffiato black glazed vase, yuhuchun, Jin-Yuan Dynasty

Lot 431. A Chinese 'Cizhou' sgraffiato black glazed vase, yuhuchun, Jin-Yuan Dynasty. Estimate $1,500-2,500Photo Freemans.

pear-shaded body with a short foot and a trumpet neck, covered overall in a rich dark-chocolate glaze with leafy scroll bands, the base unglazed. H: 11 in., 28 cm

Provenance: Property from the S. Jung collection, Wilmington, Delaware 
Acquired from Y.K. Ma, Hong Kong

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

Chiale Fine Art à la Biennale des Antiquaires 2016



André Derain (Chatou 10/06/1880 - Garches, 8/09/1954), Still life with fishes, Paris, 1940-45. Olio su tela - 46x55cm. Provenance Gallery D’eendt, Will Hoogstraate, Amsterdam, no. 37, André Derain ‘Still life of fish’ - 1912 - 46x55; David W. Huges, ‘Still life of fish, 1912’, André Derain, London, U.K.; modern art gallery l’Approdo, signed no. 1201, Turin, Italy; Arturo Bottello collection, Italia; private collection, Turin, Italy © Chiale Fine Art


Edicola, Castilla y Leon, 1300-1310. Wooden walnut carved and painted, 136,5x132x7 cm.  Royal coat of arms of Royal Family of Spain. Provenance: Collezione Rockfeller, New York, USA; collezione George Lurcy, New York, USA; collezione privata New York , USA - Expertise Dr.Luca Mor; Drs.Serenella Castri © Chiale Fine Art


Pair of Pier-glasses, Turin, first half of XVIII century. Wooden walnut carved and golden, 102x53cm. Royal coat of arms of Vittorio Amedeo II King of Savoy (1713-20). Provenance: private collection, Paris - Expertise Drs. Arabella Cifani © Chiale Fine Art

Biennale des Antiquaires 2016. Chiale Fine Art / STAND MS06Via S. Tempia 22, 12035 Racconigi - Italie. +39 0172 85284 - www.chialeantiquariato.com - info@chialefineart.com

Masterworks of Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian works of art offered as part of Asian Art Week



A rare and monumental gray schist figure of a Bodhisattva (estimate: $600,000 - 800,000. Photo: Christie's Images Ltd 2016.

NEW YORK, NY.- As part of Asian Art Week, Christie’s New York salerooms will host a wealth of masterworks from the Indian subcontinent with the Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian Works of Art sale on 13 September and the South Asian Modern + Contemporary Art sale on 14 September 2016. The auctions will present historic sculptures, bronzes and court paintings alongside art by established modern Indian artists, such as Vasudeo S. Gaitonde, Syed Haider Raza and leading contemporary masters including Bharti Kher, Shilpa Gupta, A. Balasubramaniam, Anju Dodiya, Atul Dodiya, Jitish Kallat and Ranjani Shettar. The works will be on view and open to the public at the Rockefeller Plaza from 9 September 2016. 

Leading the Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian Works of Art sale is a rare and monumental gray schist figure of a Bodhisattva (estimate: $600,000 - 800,000), epitomising the highly-skilled carving for which Gandharan sculptors from this period are known, along with a gray schist figure of a standing Buddha from Gandhara, 2nd/3rd century (estimate: $100,000 - 200,000). This beautifully carved Buddha is flanked by Indra and Brahma on either side, a composition rarely seen in narrative scenes from this time. 


Lot 229. A Monumental Gray Schist Figure of a Bodhisattva, Gandhara, 2nd-3rd century, 78 ¾ in. (200 cm.) highEstimate USD 600,000 - USD 800,000. Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2016.

Provenance: Acquired from Sotheby's London, 27 April 1995, lot 188.

Property of a private Dutch collection.

Notes: The present figure is extraordinarily large and beautifully carved, making it one of the most rare Gandharan figures in circulation. Note how the diaphanous dhoti falls in thin pleats against the lower body, subtly outlining the firm legs and bent left knee. In contrast, the voluminous shawl is wrapped over the left shoulder, dipping artfully across the thighs and then rising up to wrap around the right arm, displaying the artist’s mastery of the medium as he describes the softness of the drapery against the well-defined flesh. The muscular torso has a naturalistic sense of definition and depth, further enhanced by the intricately detailed necklaces and amulets, and fully embodying the virility of youth. His handsome, youthful face has a moustache, indicating his accumulated wisdom, and he is crowned with an elaborate jeweled turban, signifying his royal stature. The artist has also taken great care to render magnificent details of ornamentation. The flat torque at the neck is composed of numerous small elements, and the beads on the multi-stranded necklaces are finely and lavishly rendered. 

This figure compares favorably with a well-known example of a Bodhisattva formerly in the Heeramaneck Collection, and now on view at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (M.83.105.1, published in A. Heeramaneck, Masterpieces of Indian Sculpture from the Former Collection of Nasli M. Heeramaneck, Italy, 1979, cat.no.11, and P. Pal, Indian Sculpture Vol. 1, Los Angeles, 1986, p.167, cat.no.S45, illustrated below). Comparing the two shows the present figure to be taller and more naturalistically described; for example, note how the present figure’s broad shoulders slope gently in a realistic manner. 

The left forearm of the present example is missing, however based on the insertion points in the arm and directly below, one can be reasonably sure this arm was lowered and holding something – either a waterpot, identifying him as Maitreya, or a garland, as with the Heeramanack example, which Dr. Pal has identified as Avalokiteshvara. With majestic poise, the present bodhisattva stands as a classic example of the highly-skilled carving for which Gandharan sculptors from this period are known.


Lot 230. A Gray Schist Figure of a Standing Buddha, Gandhara, 2nd-3rd century, 38 ½ in. (97.8 cm.) high. Estimate USD 100,000 - USD 200,000. Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2016.

Provenance: Sotheby's London, 19 October 1995, lot 188. 
Private collection, Argentina, acquired from the above.

Notes: The two devotees kneeling on either side of this beautifully carved figure of Buddha are extremely rare. These figures are backed by halos, denoting their divine status as Indra and Brahma. While narrative scenes are usually relegated to the base or to accompanying friezes, there are few examples in which narrative figures accompany the main figure in the same plane. The proportions and style of the devotees can be compared to those in a figure of Maitreya at the British Museum (1904.12-17.1: see W. Zwalf, A Catalogue of the Gandhara Sculpture in the British Museum, London, Vol I pp.99-100, Vol II p.40, fig. 55).

A further highlight is a gilt bronze figure of Vasudeva-Kamalaja from Nepal, 13th/14th century (estimate: $40,000 - 60,000). An elegant example of early Malla sculpture, the sophisticated rendering represents a classic example of Newari craftsmanship. Additional standout lots in the richly curated and geographically diverse sale include black stone figures of Ganesha (estimate: $30,000 - 40,000) and Durga (estimate: $25,000 - 35,000) from North East India, Pala period, 11th/12th century along with a wooden panel of Durga slaying a demon from Kerala, 17th century (estimate: $20,000 - 30,000). 


Lot 202. A gilt bronze figure of Vasudeva-Kamalaja, Nepal, 13th-14th century. Inlaid with hardstones, 8 ¾ in. (22.2 cm.) high. Estimate USD 40,000 - 60,000. Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2016.

Provenance: with Doris Wiener, New York.
Acquired by the current owner from the above in the 1960s.

Literature: Himalayan Art Resource (himalayanart.org), item no. 24171

Notes: This finely rendered early Nepalese figure of Vasudeva-Kamalaja is the composite image of Vishnu (on the proper right) and Lakshmi (on the proper left). Examples of this iconographic composite are rare and technically challenging, requiring the artist to capture two deities in one cohesive form. Sophisticated casting, incorporating each deity's unique traits - such as the longer dhoti or the slightly longer hair beneath the crown on Lakshmi’s side - distinguishes one deity from the other.

This figure of Vasudeva-Kamalaja exemplifies the bold yet elegant corporeal sensibility of early Malla sculpture, achieved by a contrast between the powerful frontal stance and the soft rendering of a substantial yet languid physique. An example with similar stylistic traits is the Vishnu in the Heeramaneck Collection at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (M.72.1.8: see P. Pal, The Art of Nepal, California, 1984, p.110, fig.S31). The proportions of this Vishnu are similar, with thick, solid hips and thighs topped by a slightly tapered waist beneath broad shoulders. The treatment of the details, such as the simple armlets, earrings and flower pattern on the dhoti found in both figures also points to the early Malla period. The elegant rendering of features combined with the masterful illusion of a supple surface in the present example make it a classic example of Newari craftsmanship.


Lot 237. A Black Stone Figure of Ganesha, Northeastern India, Pala period, 11th-12th century, 20 in. (50.8 cm.) high. Estimate USD 30,000 - USD 40,000. Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2016.

ProvenanceAcquired by the current owner in London on 9 July 1987.


Lot 238. A Black Stone Figure of Durga seated on a lion, Northeastern India, Pala period, circa 11th-12th century, 21¼ in. (53.3 cm.) high. Estimate USD 25,000 - USD 35,000. Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2016.

Provenance: with Galerie Samarcande, Paris.
with Spink & Son, London.
Acquired by the current owner from the above on 29 May 1985.


Lot 244. A polychromed wooden panel of Durga slaying a demon from Kerala, India, Kerala, 17th century, 44 in. (111.8 cm.) high, 29 ¾ in. (73.7 cm.) wideEstimate USD 20,000 - USD 30,000. Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2016.

Provenance :Acquired by 18 August 1987.

Following Christie’s last two auctions of South Asian Modern + Contemporary Art in London and Mumbai, which set a new benchmarks for Vasudeo S. Gaitonde and achieved a new world auction record for any modern Indian work of art, the New York sale will be led by an important canvas by the artist (estimate: $1,800,000-2,200,000). The work was painted in 1970 at a moment when Gaitonde was recognised as being at the peak of his artistic powers – in fact the following year, he would receive the prestigious Padma Shri award. Gaitonde’s unmistakable treatment of the canvas using a roller and pallet knife, layering, adding and taking away pigment give the painting a marine like quality, conveying his artistic philosophy through its ebbs and flows. The painting, which displays a kind of non-objective chiaroscuro, is a meditative masterpiece and represents a cornerstone in Gaitonde’s oeuvre

The auction will further present a selection of important works by modern masters including Syed Haider Raza, Francis Newton Souza, Maqbool Fida Husain and Jehangir Sabavala, alongside pivotal works by contemporary artists such as Bharti Kher, Shilpa Gupta, Jitish Kallat and Ranjani Shettar. Bharti Kher’s, 2006 triptych Mother of Anything Possible, Anytime (estimate: $200,000 - 300,000) resembles a dense constellation in space through the assembly of thousands of tightly packed bindis in the first two panels. The third, more vibrant panel, displays differently shaped bindis that move in kaleidoscopic formation across the surface, perhaps suggesting the diversity and constant flux of the modern world. Fusing symbolism, history and metaphor with an aesthetic of abstraction, Kher’s vivid work is monumental in both scale and meaning. The sale will also offer work by the celebrated multi-media conceptual artist Shilpa Gupta whose work has been exhibited at major international institutions, including the Tate Modern in London, the Guggenheim Museum in New York. Gupta’s Someone Else: A Library of 35 Books Written Anonymously or Under Pseudonyms, executed in 2011-12 (estimate: $40,000 - 60,000) features thirty-five books that were originally published under pseudonyms, recreated in etched stainless steel. A testament to impositions, vulnerabilities, fears and freedom, Gupta contrasts the permanence of engraved stainless steel, typically reserved for marking identities in museums or at entrance doors of homes, with the book covers written under false names. 

A selection of works in the auction have been donated directly by the artists to The Pamela and Ajay Raju Foundation with proceeds to benefit the Germination Project — an initiative established by Pamela and Ajay Raju to fund education and youth programs in Philadelphia. The remarkable showcase includes work by A. Balasubramaniam, Anju Dodiya, Atul Dodiya, Jitish Kallat and Ranjani Shettar. Jitish Kallat’s Sightings Gen-Aub-D28M6Y2016 (estimate $40,000 - 60,000) playfully uses scale and perception to allude to the cosmos through close-up and negative images of the skins of everyday fruit and vegetables. The series of prints all have long, seemingly scientific names that are actually the dates of Kallat’s visit to purchase the fruit at Pali Naka market.  

Also to benefit the Germination Project is Ranjani Shettar’s Chrysalis (estimate: $80,000 - 120,000), executed in 2016. Hand-molded using organic materials including beeswax, thread and wooden beads, Shettar’s delicate Chrysalis is the fifth work in a series of sculptural installations, which also includes Just a Bit More, exhibited in the show On Line: Drawing Through the Twentieth Century at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2010-11. As one of India’s leading contemporary artists, Shettar’s work has attracted a wide, international audience with solo exhibitions at The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), Boston, MA (2008); The Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX (2008-9); The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMoMA) (2009); and National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia (2011), as well as being exhibited alongside major artists such as A. Balasubramaniam, Alexander Calder, Mona Hatoum, Eva Hesse, Sol Lewitt, Agnes Martin and Nasreen Mohamedi at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), NY (2010); Kiran Nadar Museum, New Delhi (2011, 2012, 2013), 5th Moscow Biennale (2013) 9th Lyon Biennial, France (2007); 8th Sharjah Biennial (2007); Wexner Center, OH (2005) and The Walker Art Center, MN (2003). 


A Chinese 'Henan' splashed blackware bowl, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)


A Chinese 'Henan' splashed blackware bowl, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)

Lot 427. A Chinese 'Henan' splashed blackware bowl, Jin dynasty (1115–1234). Estimate $4,000-6,000Photo Freeman's.

covered overall in a black glaze and decorated to the interior with five russet splashes. H: 6 1/2 in., 16.5 cm

ProvenanceProperty from the S. Jung collection, Wilmington, Delaware 
Acquired from Dragon House Antiques, San Francisco 

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

A Chinese 'Henan' russet splashed twin handle jar, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)


A Chinese 'Henan' russet splashed twin handle jar, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)

Lot 426. A Chinese 'Henan' russet splashed twin handle jar, Jin dynasty (1115–1234). Estimate $2,000-3,000Photo Freeman's.

of globular form with a pair of small strap handles on neck, covered by black and iron-red glazes. H: 5 in., 12.7 cm ; D: 6 in., 15.2 cm 

Provenance: Property from the S. Jung collection, Wilmington, Delaware 
Acquired from Dragon House Antiques, San Francisco 

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

Anonymous, Qing dynasty, Portrait of Wang Yangming (1472-1529)



Lot 10. Anonymous, Qing dynasty, Portrait of Wang Yangming (1472-1529). Estimate USD 5,000 - USD 9,000. Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2016

Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and color on silk, 11 ¼ x 9 5/8 in. (28.8 x 24.4 cm.). Inscribed on the mounting

Christie's. Fine Chinese Paintings, 13 September 2016, New York, Rockefeller Plaza

NoteWang Yangming (31 October 1472 – 9 January 1529), courtesy name Bo'an, was a Chinese idealist Neo-Confucian philosopher, official, educationist, calligraphist and general during the Ming dynasty. After Zhu Xi, he is commonly regarded as the most important Neo-Confucian thinker, with interpretations of Confucianism that denied the rationalist dualism of the orthodox philosophy of Zhu Xi. Wang was known as "Yangming Xiansheng" and/or "Yangming Zi" in literary circles: both mean "Master Yangming".  

In China, Japan, and Western countries, he is known by his honorific name rather than his private name. (Wikipedia)


Hua Yan (1682 – 1756), Lady



Lot 16. Hua Yan (1682 – 1756), Lady. Estimate USD 25,000 - USD 35,000. Photo Christie's Image Ltd 2016

Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and color on silk, 17 1/8 x 11 5/8 in. (43.7 x 29.7 cm.). With one seal of the artist

Christie's. Fine Chinese Paintings, 13 September 2016, New York, Rockefeller Plaza

NoteHua Yan (1682 – 1756) simplified Chinese: 华嵒; traditional Chinese: 華嵒; pinyin: Huà Yán; Wade–Giles: Hua Yen; courtesy name Qiu Yue (秋岳), sobriquets Xinluo Shan Ren (新罗山人), Dong Yuan Shen (东园生), Bu Yi Sheng (布衣生), and Li Hou Ju Shi (离后居士) was a Qing Dynasty Chinese painter. He was born in Shanghang (上杭) Fujian province and lived in Yangzhou and later in Hangzhou. Yan's work is within the tradition of the Yangzhou school and is often named as one of the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou. (Wikipedia)

Two Chinese ninth-rank paradise flycatchers badges, Qing dynasty




Lot 281. Two Chinese ninth-rank paradise flycatchers badges, Qing dynastyEstimate $800-1,200. Sold for $1,820 Photo Freeman's

L: 12 in., 30 cm

ProvenanceProperty of a Pennsylvania collector

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

Four Chinese rank badges, 19th century






Lot 282. Four Chinese rank badges, 19th centuryEstimate $600-800. Sold for $688 Photo Freeman's

including one third-rank peacock, two sixth-rank egrets, and one ninth-rank paradise flycatcher. 

H of largest: 11 1/4 in., 28.5 cm; W: 12 1/2 in., 32 cm

Provenance: Property of a Pennsylvania collector

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

A Chinese blue ground dragon robe, 19th century



Lot 283. A Chinese blue ground dragon robe, 19th century. Estimate $3,000-5,000. Sold for $2,470 Photo Freeman's

of typical nine-dragon form, embroidered with gold metallic thread. H: 56 in., 143 cm 

ProvenanceProperty of a Missouri collector

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

A Chinese blue silk brocade 'dragon' robe, Jifu, Late Qing dynasty



Lot 284. A Chinese blue silk brocade 'dragon' robe, Jifu, Late Qing dynasty. Estimate $600-800. Sold for $2,500Photo Freeman's

elaborately woven in silk with nine five-clawed dragons in pursuit of 'flaming pearls', surrounded by ruyi clouds, bats and cranes, all against a purplish blue ground. L: 52 in., 132.1 cm; W: 80 in., 203.2 cm

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

A Chinese purple ground five claws dragon robe, early 20th century



Lot 285. A Chinese purple ground five claws dragon robe, early 20th century. Estimate $500-700. Sold for $1,063 Photo Freeman's

L: 44 in., 112 cm; W: 61 in., 155 cm

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

A Chinese sancai glazed jar and cover, Tang Dynasty (618-907)


A Chinese sancai glazed jar and cover, Tang Dynasty (618-907)

Lot384. A Chinese sancai glazed jar and cover, Tang Dynasty (618-907). Estimate $1,500-2,500. Sold for $1,560Photo Freeman's

the compressed globular body rising from a flat base to a broad circular mouth with cover, splashed with an green, brown and light yellow glazes, the bottom unglazed. D 6 1/4 in., 16 cm

ProvenanceProperty from the S. Jung collection, Wilmington, Delaware

Freeman's. Asian Arts, Sat, Sep 10 2016 10:00 AM

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