Lot 3033A. Abel Grimmer, (ca. 1570 Antwerp 1620), Allegory of February. Oil on wood. Diameter 25 cm. Inscribed lower center, signed and dated: MARC 1.1. ABEL GRIMMER FECIT 1609 and inscribed: ABEL GRIMMER 1609 and with a red wax seal. Estimate CHF 90 000/140 000 (€ 83,330 / 129,630). Sold for CHF 126 000. Photo Koller
Lot 3033B. Abel Grimmer, (ca. 1570 Antwerp 1620), Allegory of March. Oil on wood. Diameter 25 cm. Lower center called: MATT. 21 and inscribed: MARS Abel Grimmer. 1609 and with a red wax seal. Estimate CHF 90 000/140 000 (€ 83,330 / 129,630). Sold for CHF 126 000. Photo Koller.
Lot 3033C. Abel Grimmer, (ca. 1570 Antwerp 1620), Allegory of April. Oil on wood. Diameter 25 cm. Bottom right referred: LUC. 8 and inscribed: AVRIL ABEL GRIMMER. 1609 and with a red wax seal. Estimate CHF 90 000/140 000 (€ 83,330 / 129,630). Sold for CHF 126 000. Photo Koller.
Lot 3033D. Abel Grimmer, (ca. 1570 Antwerp 1620), Allegory of October. Oil on wood. Diameter 25 cm. Lower center called: MATT.21 and inscribed verso: OCTOBRE Abel Grimmer. 1609 and with a red wax seal. Estimate CHF 90 000/140 000 (€ 83,330 / 129,630). Sold for CHF 126 000. Photo Koller.
Lot 3033E. Abel Grimmer, (ca. 1570 Antwerp 1620), Allegory of December. Oil on wood. Diameter 25 cm. Inscribed lower left: LUC. 2. and signed and dated lower right: ABEL GRIMMER FECIT 1609 also inscribed verso: DÉCEMBRE ABEL GRIMMER. 1609 and with a red wax seal as well as a label presumably from the frame maker, "Bonvoisin, Maître Peintre Doreur & Marchand de Tableaux. Place du Vieux Louvre". Estimate CHF 90 000/140 000 (€ 83,330 / 129,630). Sold for CHF 126 000. Photo Koller.
ZURICH.- The Old Masters auction on 23 September was led by a very rare series of five allegorical paintings representing the months of February, March, April, October and December by Abel Grimmer (ca. 1570 – ca. 1620). The paintings had been conserved in the same private collection for over 300 years, and their rarity and beauty convinced a private collector to part with CHF 745 000 in order to obtain the series (lots 3033A – 3033E, estimate CHF 500 000 – 700 000).
Other highlights of the paintings auctions included a Madonna and Child by Tommaso di Credi (active in Florence circa 1490-1510) which sold for CHF 96 500 (lot 3012), and a Bathing Nymph by German artist Carl Spitzweg (1808 Munich 1885) that also changed hands for CHF 96 500 (lot 3232).
Lot 3012. Tommaso di Credi (active in Florence circa 1490-1510), Madonna and Child. Oil on panel. 60.5 cm diameter (round). Estimate CHF 100 000 / 150 000 (€ 92 590 / 138 890). Sold for CHF 80 000. Photo Koller.
Provenance: - Christie's, New York, 27.1.2000, Lot 129.
- Galleria Moretti, Florence.
- European private collection.
Exhibited: Pittori attivi in Toscana dal Trecento al Settecento, 22.9.-24.11.2001, Galleria Moretti, Florence.
Literature: Pons, N.: Exh. Cat. Pittori attivi in Toscana dal Trecento al Settecento, Florence 2001, pp. 114-117 (with ill.).
Lot 3232. Carl Spitzweg (1808 Munich 1885), Bathing Nymph, Circa 1870. Oil on canvas. Monogrammed lower left: S in rhombus. 54 x 41 cm. Estimate CHF 70 000 / 100 000 (€ 64 810 / 92 590). Sold for CHF 80 000. Photo Koller.
Provenance: - Probably sales note No. 317. "Bathing Nymph size as 314 Ksthdler Reichardt here / 480, received 31 Merz 1873 (1 Obligation a 500 guilders)".
- Collection of L. Schmederer, Munich.
- Hugo Helbing, Munich, 1923.
- Acquired Directly from the above, R. Riemerschmid, Munich-Pasing.
- private collection, Switzerland.
Exhibited: - Bayerische Art 1800-1850, Glaspalast Munich, June / July 1906, No. 611 - Memory exhibition, Kunstverein Munich, June 1908, No. 40
Literature: - Uhde-Bernays, H .: Carl Spitzweg. The Master's life and work. 5th ed. Munich 1919, fig. 121.
- Ostini, Fv: From Carl Spitzweg world. Barmen 1924, p. 57.
- Elsen, A .: Carl Spitzweg, Vienna 1948, p. 126 text plate. 56, 58.
- Roennefahrt, G .: Carl Spitzweg. Descriptive catalog of his paintings, oil sketches and watercolors. Munich 1960 No. 464.
- Kalkschmidt, E .: Carl Spitweg and his world. 4. ed. Munich 1966, p. 121, FIG. 86.
- Winkler, A .: Carl Spitzweg, painter, image-teller and poet, Munich 1968, p. 72 color ill.
- Jensen, J. Ch .: Carl Spitzweg, Cologne 1971, p. 55, color plate. X.
- Wichmann, S .: Carl Spitzweg. Nymphs. Documentation, Starnberg-Munich, RfvuaK 1990 p. 18 f., Bayer. Staatsbibl. Munich, Inv.-No. Ana 656 b / w 27
- Wichmann, S .: Carl Spitzweg, Munich, 1990, p. 142; p. 212, No. 91.
- Wichmann, S .: Carl Spitzweg. Art. Costs and conflicts, Frankfurt / Berlin 1991 p. 336, No. 317.
- Wichmann, S .: Carl Spitzweg. Nymphs. Documentation, Starnberg-Munich, RfvuaK 1998 Bayer. Staatsbibl. Munich, Inv. No. Ana 656 bw 157.
- Wichmann, S .: Carl Spitzweg. Catalog of the works. Paintings and watercolors, Stuttgart 2002, p. 312, No. 651 with color ill.
Two works by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (1727 Venice 1804) sold well in the Drawings auction on 23 September: an oil sketch depicting the Rest on the Flight into Egypt (lot 3425) attributed to the master was possibly made as a model for Tiepolo’s workshop. It garnered CHF 24 500. A brown ink drawing of a standing figure in Oriental dress (lot 3452), remarkable for its spontaneity, sold for CHF CHF 8 750.
Lot 3425. Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (1727 Venice 1804), Rest on the Flight into Egypt, circa 1745-50. Oil on paper, laid on canvas, 39 x 30 cm. In a frame of the 18th century. Estimate CHF 20 000 / 30 000 (€ 37 040 / 55 560). Sold for CHF 20 000. Photo Koller.
Lot 3452. Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (1727 Venice 1804), Standing Oriental man, wrapped in a cloak. Brush and brown ink. Signed lower left: Dom. Tiepolo. 25.5 x 15.7 cm. Framed. Estimate CHF 6 000 / 9 000 (€ 5 560 / 8 330). Sold for CHF 7 000. Photo Koller.
Furniture and Decorative Arts
The Schmitz-Eichhoff Collection: trompe-l’oeil ceramics in high demand
The wonderful Baroque trompe-l’oeil ceramics collection of Marie Teres Schmitz-Eichhoff aroused international interest, and the 19 September auction registered a total of over 90% sold by value. The catalogue contained approximately 250 faience trompe-l’oeil wares and animal figures from the 18th century: cabbage-form tureens, covered dishes in the shape of bundles of asparagus, and plates with eggs, beans and nuts. Many of these items were the subject of an exhibition in 1999 in the Museum of Decorative Arts (MAK) in Cologne, and again at the Hetjens Museum in Düsseldorf in 2006.
Among the highlights of the auction were a mid-18th century French trompe-l’oeil platter with eggs (lot 1751) which sold for CHF 9 375 against an estimate of CHF 4 000 – 6 000; a large mid-late 18th century cabbage-shaped terrine from Brussels (lot 1758, sold for CHF 9 375) and a Höchst porcelain covered vase decorated with insects and flowers, the bidding for which rose to CHF 10 625 (lot 1783).
Lot 1751. Trompe-l’oeil plate with eggs, Northern France, mid-18th century. Estimate CHF 4 000 / 6 000 (€ 3 700 / 5 560). Sold for CHF 7 500. Photo Koller.
Lot 1758. Lidded tureen designed as a cauliflower, Brussels, 2nd half of the 18th century. Faience, colorfully painted in yellow and green, the cover with a bird finial. No mark. D 26 cm. Minimal restoration and chipped. (2). Estimate CHF 5 000 / 7 000 (€ 4 630 / 6 480). Sold for CHF 7 500. Photo Koller.
Lot 1783. Lidded vase with applied insects and flowers, Höchst, ca. 1750. Faience, painted white and colors. No mark. H 45.5 cm. Flowers and edge restored and supplemented. (2). Estimate CHF 6 000 / 8 000 (€ 5 560 / 7 410). Sold for CHF 8 500. Photo Koller.
The Furniture & Sculpture auction on 22 September featured a pair of Régence/Louis XV ormolu-mounted porcelain vases (lot 1089) of extraordinarily fine quality, which went to a new owner for CHF 156 500. A 14th/15th century northern Italian polychrome sculpture of a Madonna and Child sold for CHF 42 500 (lot 1027), and a Louis XV ormolu-mounted porcelain clock in the form of a smiling Chinese “magot” (lot 1095) changed hands for CHF 62 900.
Lot 1089. Pair of important vases with bronze mounts "aux têtes de lion", late Regence-Louis XV, the porcelain from a European manufactory in the style of celadon from the Yuan period (1279-1368), the bronze from a Parisian master workshop, ca. 1750. Fine porcelain, painted in the style of celadon, with matte and polished gilt bronze. H 75 cm. Estimate CHF 90 000 / 120 000 (€ 83 330 / 111 110). Sold for CHF 130 000. Photo Koller.
Provenance: - According to historical sources, acquired from Edward Levy-Lawson, 1st Baron Burnham (1833-1913) for his estate Hall Barn in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. - Harry Levy-Lawson, 2nd Baron Burnham (1862-1933).
- William Lawson, 3rd Baron Burnham (1864-1943).
- Edward Frederick Lawson, 4th Baron Burnham (1890-1963).
- William Lawson, 5th Baron Burnham (1920-1993).
- Christie's Auction, London, 22 September 1969 (Lot No. 96).
- Christie's Auction, London 11 June 1993 (Lot No. 8).
- from a very important European private collection.
- Koller Auction, Zurich, 2 December 2010 (Lot No. 1089).
- from a European private collection.
Lot 1027. Mary and Child seated on a throne, Gothic, probably Upper Italy, 13th-14th century. Pine, carved all-around, hollowed and painted. Paintwork, in part heavily retouched. Both Madonna and Child are missing an arm. H 122 cm. Estimate CHF 90 000 / 120 000 (€ 83 330 / 111 110). Sold for CHF 130 000. Photo Koller.
Provenance: from a Swiss private collection.
Lot 1095. Mantel Clock "Au Magot", Louis XV, the porcelain Blanc de Chine, 18th century, the dial and movement signed CHARLES VOISIN A PARIS (Charles Voisin, 1685-1761), Paris, ca. 1740. Matte and polished gilt bronze, and porcelain. Seated magot. Enamel dial. Fine movement with anchor escapement, striking the 1/2-hour on bell. 21x18x35.5 cm. Estimate CHF 40 000 / 70 000 (€ 37 040 / 64 810). Sold for CHF 52 000. Photo Koller.
Provenance: - Collection E.T. Stotesbury, Philadelphia.
- Collection S. Sargent, USA.
- Auction Christie's London, 29 June 1972 (Lot No. 11).
- from a French collection.
Books & Autographs
Fossils and Erotica
The first illustrated work on fossils ever published was sold in the Books & Autographs auction on 24 September for more than five times its low estimate, CHF 74 900 (lot 428, estimate 14 000 – 20 000). Richly illustrated by Swiss naturalist Conrad Gessner, it was published in 1565-66.
The erotica collection in this auction was a solid success, including the CHF 58 100 paid for the Marquis de Sade’s first published work, La nouvelle Justine, written while he was imprisoned in the Bastille (lot 191).
Lot 191. [Donatien Alphonse François de Sade], La nouvelle Justine, ou les Malheurs de la Vertu. Ouvrage orné d'un Frontispice et de quarante Sujets gravés avec soin. [Bde. I-IV] UND: Suivi de l'histoire de Juliette, sa soeur [Bde. V-X]. 10 Bde. Mit gest. Frontispiz u. 99 (st. 100) Kupfertafeln. O.O. ("En Hollande"), 1797 (=Paris, um 1835). Estimate CHF 40 000 / 60 000 (€ 37 040 / 55 560). Sold for CHF 48 000. Photo Koller.
Among the more modern works in the sale, a Russian avant-garde illustration by Lyubov Popova for a 1921 exhibition catalogue, 5 x 5 = 25, sold for CHF 42 500 against an estimate of CHF 4 000 – 6 000 (lot 256).
Lot 256. Lyubov Popova, 5 x 5 = 25 [catalog of the exhibition Moscow, 1921]. With 5 original graphics (incl. Cover), supplemented with gouache, crayon and collage. Of a folded and signed. Estimate CHF 4 000/6 000 (€ 3700/5560). Sold for CHF 42 500. Photo Koller.